Applying for Your Japan Visa Online: A Step-by-Step Guide

Planning your next trip to Japan? Good news – with Visa Center PH, your next tourist visa application process just got as chill as a breeze! You can now complete the entire application process from the comfort of your home, with our user-friendly app and website. Let's break down the steps to ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience.


Step 1: Download the mobile app via Google Play or App Store or visit our website

Accessible 24/7, our platforms provide all the necessary information and tools to guide you through the process effortlessly.

Step 2: Create Your Account to Login

This step ensures a personalized experience and allows you to track the status of your application. Remember, a smooth journey begins with a simple registration.

Step 3: Pay the Application Fee and Complete the Digital Application Form

No more standing in long queues at the mall or dealing with paperwork. Simply pay the application fee through the app or website. Once completed, fill out the digital application form at your own pace, ensuring accuracy and completeness.

Bonus: Secure Payments for Peace of Mind. Rest easy knowing that your payments are secure. The system prioritizes the safety of your payments, offering a range of trusted online payment methods.

Step 4: Upload Documents for Online Pre-Assessment

With just a few clicks, upload all the required documents for pre-assessment directly through the app or website. Our dedicated expert visa consultants will thoroughly check your uploaded documents to ensure a faster and more efficient evaluation of your application which gives you higher chances of visa approval!

Step 5: Print Application Form and Submit Documents via Courier

Once your digital application is pre-assessed, it's time to take the final step. Print the application form generated by the system, gather the necessary documents, and submit them to Universal Holidays Inc.’s office via courier. Your passports will delivered back to your doorsteps via courier once the results are out. How convenient!


Whether you're at home, at work, or even on the go, you can complete each step whenever it suits you. Visa Center PH’s mobile app and website are designed to accommodate your schedule, making the entire experience stress-free. Say goodbye to exhausting visa applications. Apply with Visa Center PH and get ready to enjoy the wonders of Japan hassle-free!

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